What are the Pros and Cons of React JS and React Native?



June 10, 2023

React JS is used for web development, whereas React Native is used for mobile app development. Both have a bright future in hybrid app development, as the software developers can build intuitive and seamless hybrid and native apps for multiple platforms.

Both ReactJS and React Native are crucial for app and web development, and due to their flexible functionalities and an evolving eco-system of libraries, they are gaining momentum with each passing day. But both React and React Native are made for different purposes and thus both have their importance in their respective fields of app development.

So, without wasting time, let’s dig deep and have more detailed information about React JS and React native.

React JS:

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library to create front-end and back-end web applications. It runs on Server Side and a reusable component can be created & components can be integrated with other technologies, or used with other React components to make the complete page.

Pros of React JS

Easy to use:

There are many frameworks available, but among all React JS is easy to use and big enterprises are using it. React offers to build a high-quality, rich user interface through its expressive components.

Reusable component:

React JS depends on the component and each component has its logic and controls, thus can be used wherever developers want them in the future.

Fast rendering:

When creating a tempting and high load application, creating its structure or skeleton becomes a mandatory task, as it makes a huge difference in the performance of an app. To resolve this issue, React JS presented a Virtual DOM (V-DOM) feature. It fastens the speed of loading of websites and caters better user experience.

Offers Code stability:

In React JS, there is downward data flow to substantiate that the parent structure does not get a complete modification in its child structure.


ReactJS supports software developers to navigate on multiple search engines, efficiently.


ReactJS made it easy to develop dynamic website applications, as it requires less coding and offers much functionality.

Offers strong community support:

Many big names like Netflix, PayPal, and NASA are using React web framework. It has very strong community support, like Angular.

Cons of ReactJS

Speed of Development:

It is the fact that if you are not able to make new changes, it becomes hard for you to survive. The same goes with React JS, the development speed is fast and developers feel uncomfortable learning new things regularly.

Complex JSX:

ReactJS uses JSX syntax extension, this extension helps in creating JavaScript objects with the HTML syntax, making the DOM modification more readable. But the worst part of JSX is that it might be confusing for the naïve developers, as they need more time to understand the extension.

Improper Documentation:

The constant release of new tools results in improper documentation, as the web framework evolves quickly and needs much time for proper documentation. The regular addition of libraries in the documentation makes it worse.

Not offers complete tools:

ReactJS is ideal for developing the UI layer, so to complete the project developers need to switch to other technologies. As React JS does not offer all tools for the development of the entire project.

React native:

React Native is a framework designed to develop a cross-platform application for Android and iOS, which can say the best for mobile app development. It is based on Facebook’s JavaScript library for creating user interfaces aimed at mobile platforms.

The mobile apps designed by React native technology are different in functioning as compared to other technologies. React native made it possible to design hybrid mobile applications.

Pros of React Native

Good Performance:

When it comes to performance, React native is the real boss. React native gets connected with an operating system and generates code to the APIs. Performance improves as it makes the right use of a different thread from UI and the native APIs.

Code reusability:

React native supports code reusability facility, as the developers do not have to create separate mobile apps for each platform. Approximately 90% of the framework can be used for both Operating Systems. The pre-developed component also enhances the speed of development.

Larger Community:

React Native is an open-source platform, where developers are free to contribute to the framework. Community-driven platforms are beneficial in developing an app, and also helpful in creating professional portfolios.

Live and hot reloading:

Live and hot reloading features are offered by React native. Live reloading is a tool that helps in reading and compiling files, where changes have been made; it automatically reads the application from start.


React native is cost-effective, as developers do not have to use separate codes for both Operating systems. This makes the application development budget-friendly, no need to hire extra developers to execute the task.

Stable Apps:

Due to the data binding process, the apps become more stable, and reliability increases. React native allows the updating of components, and if any modification is required then hit on apply.

Offers Libraries:

React native offers ample numbers of libraries that are helpful for software developers.

Cons of React Native

Slow Development:

Due to the lack of native libraries, the development process becomes slow.


React native is under development and unstable, as with each update some things get fixed and some get a break, and due to that many packages get hampered.

Limited third-party component:

Due to the limited third-party component, no advanced features are available for the developers.

More run-time:

Because of the JavaScript thread, React native takes more time to initialize the runtime for devices.


From the above Pros and Cons of ReactJS and React native, it is clear that both are important and play a significant role in app and web development. There are ample numbers of programming languages, so pick the best programming language for the development, based on its functionality and features. Every technology in the developer universe has pros & cons, and so do ReactJS and React Native. So, choose the best as per your development needs.

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